Petrogas Jatim Utama Cendana is conducting Participating Interest business (2.2423%) in the fields of exploration, evaluation, preparation, feasibility studies, exploitation, production, development, mining, processing, storage and transportation of oil and gas for upstream oil and gas activities in the Cepu Block with EMCL (ExxonMobil Cepu Limited) as operator.
Petrogas Jatim Utama Cendana outstanding human resources on field and outside the field are providing the best possible exploration to distribution services based on domestic and global demand outnumbering other government oil and gas company in East Java. By continously expanding our operation field, Petrogas Jatim Utama Cendana will offer a variety of products for corporate needs and create comfortable chain supply environments applying digital transparancy to finance. We will take the leap to become the national group leading both the Indonesian and East Java distribution.
PT Petrogas Jatim Utama (Holding) Established
PT Petrogas Jatim Utama Cendana Established
PI 10% B2B. Based On PP No 35 Th 2004 & PP No 34 Th 2005.
Development and operations of Cepu Block oil refinery at Banyu Urip field, East Java
Cepu Blok new development of oil exploration (Kedung Keris Field)
We strive to fulfil our responsibilities as a regional level exploration and distribution company to match even the nation level of oil and gas company, help our nation grow, and contribute to create a modern culture where the country, people, and contractors are connected in a never ending supply system.
Developing ourselves as a regional oil and gas company that are able to compete nationally with professional corporations, supported by experts who are competent in their fields.